十大最好的网赌平台 Library Assistant Ginger Dixon recommends ten children’s books that parents can use to spark meaningful conversations with their daughters. From lessons on perseverance and responsibility to celebrations of kindness and self-acceptance, these titles provide a fun and accessible way to share life lessons. 

  1.   稻草人的帽子 肯·布朗

    • Chicken thinks Scarecrow’s hat will make a nice nest, but first she must swap with Badger, 乌鸦, 羊, 猫头鹰, 和驴. 主题: 毅力, Creative Solutions
  2.   肉桂和四月阵雨 艾米·克兰·约翰逊

    • Solomon Raven explains the importance of rain for animal and forest survival after an April shower frightens Cinnamon, 她的新宝宝, 和他们的森林朋友. 主题: 管理情绪
  3.   我叫露西 凡妮莎·朱利安-奥蒂著

    • 露西是一只金毛猎犬. When the neighborhood cat ruins a table covered with food for a special party and then disappears, 露西的家人责怪她. 主题: 责任
  4.   做你自己 琳达·克兰兹著

    • After exploring his ocean home and seeing many different types of sea life, a young fish named Adri talks to his parents and learns that differences make the world colorful and beautiful. 主题: 个性、自我接纳
  5.   Velma Gratch and the Way Cool Butterfly 艾伦·麦迪逊

    • School does not go very well for Velma, whose older sisters were practically perfect students, until her class takes a trip to a butterfly conservatory. 主题: 耐心
  6.   一个微笑 辛迪·麦金利

    • When a child smiles at someone who looks sad, she sets off a chain of kindness that eventually comes full circle. 主题: 善良
  7.   Elinor and Violet: two Naughty Chickens at the Beach 帕蒂·贝林·墨菲著

    • 而紫, 一只非常淘气的鸡, is visiting her grandmother again for the summer, she convinces Elinor to do things that upset Elinor’s mother and sisters, but Elinor does prove to have a mind of her own. 主题: Making Good Choices, Resisting Peer Pressure
  8.   一只鸭子被卡住了 菲利斯·鲁特

    • 在这本数数书里, increasingly larger groups of animals try to help a duck that is stuck in the sleepy, 泥泞的沼泽. 主题: 帮助别人
  9.   小庸医 劳伦·汤普森

    • 小庸医, who is thought to be afraid of everything, proves his bravery during a trip to the pond. 主题: 勇敢
  10.   想飞的企鹅 凯瑟琳·沃斯

    • Flip Flop, the penguin, wants to fly. He tries several ideas, but he is still unsuccessful. As a surprise ending, he finds something he can do that is a lot like flying! 主题: 毅力


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